
All posts tagged Sunday

Sunday,May 22, 2016

Published 05/22/2016 by MoonieZ


Sunny as Saturday was but mostly cloudy,  I wasn’t much outside. The plan was to get some boring things done that really need doing but for which I have lost all motivation.

So, I’m seated here after midnight with all the work still to do. However, I will not start now. Instead, I’m off to sleep and then to dream.

When I wake up I really have to get my sh*t together, or there will be hell to pay later.

At least my worried mood from a few days ago has vanished. I got some help to get my brain back on track and for that I’m happy.

The struggle to keep my self in order is not easy and it takes a lot of energy away from me. Energy I could make better use of.

Friday night was a fun time though. I got to forget about all the problems and enjoy a few hours of good fun and laughter among other things.

I slept very well after that. All the way to the afternoon. Then I woke up with the energy I lacked the day before, but I didn’t put it to good use. I daydreamed the afternoon away all the way into the night, and here I am.

Some part of me tells me I might never finish this post. With all the distractions of late.

Anyway, I no longer remember where i was going with this so I might just stop right here and let my clever readers figure out the rest.


Things that need doing & things that should be done

Published 05/07/2016 by MoonieZ

Hi, readers!

Let me get my glasses on, or I might type something wrong.

Most of this week, I haven’t done much of anything. Then, suddenly, around Thursday I started to fill up with an urge to do something. That resulted in a lot of garbage taken care of, some indoor cleaning, some much-needed  grocery shopping and some more things I had been neglecting for some time.

Friday went by much the same way, at least to begin with, by the afternoon I was exhausted and fell asleep for a few hours.

When I woke up, I had lost the motivation to do anything at all. The rest of the evening I spent listening to music, watching a movie and reading the timelines of my social media accounts. I decided to start anew on Saturday (today).

This morning, I woke up rather early and got all my stuff together to start doing the things I should have been doing this week. However, right after setting it all up, procrastination set in and the plan was ruined. Also, today, the weather was, and is, so warm, sunny and beautiful that it was impossible to stay indoors. I went outside on the back porch and sat down, relaxed, took some pictures of all the garden flowers and plants exploding into life by the warmth of the sun. Did I mention I started my day with a cheese pizza and a glass of milk? Well, now I mentioned it, so we can move on.

Later on I washed some dishes and cleaned the garden furniture. After that outburst of activity, I decided to take the rest of the evening off. After all, Saturday night.

Now I’m here, typing this post. A moment ago, I made a plan for tomorrow: to get the things I should do done. Still got Sunday left to do it in.


John Mellencamp – A Little Night Dancin’ – Live 1982

And now: the news

Published 10/19/2014 by MoonieZ


Dark outside. Raining. After midnight, so Sunday has begun.

In the archipelago outside Stockholm the Swedish Navy is chasing what they claim to be a foreign submarine of some sort.

The tabloids and news headlines are talking about a new cold war situation. I prefer to stay calm until I see more proof with regards to this ongoing incident.

I’m old enough to remember how it was during the ending decades of the Cold War. The Navy used to chase suspected foreign subs then too, but they never found any and could not present much proof of anything. Don’t get me wrong: I take this new situation seriously and I trust the Swedish Navy to know what they’re doing but I don’t like the big headlines and the feeling of hysteria in the media.

The media is painting a picture of a new “Cold War” when no one knows for sure what results the current chase will end up with or even if it will give us any conclusive proof of this still only suspected foreign military submarine activity inside the archipelago.

On a more personal note, I have started “work” at the new office. I’m learning how to use some photo editing software in order to be able to work with making digital copies of old photos, maps and other documents from various institutions, museums and such.

I like the new place.

This past week I have had a cold. It started already on last Sunday but I managed to be at the office for three days before I had to call in sick. Headache, light fever, runny nose,sneezing and a cough was too much for me. Not until Saturday have I started to feel mostly ok again even if some of the cough remains and my nose is congested.

On job hunting front much remains the same. Nothing much happens. However, this Wednesday I had a job interview over the phone with one employer. I didn’t get the job but at least they wanted to talk to me. A good sign. The first interview I’ve had in a really long time. It made me feel a bit more motivated.

On the more personal front. I still enjoy seeing friends and taking part in the social media networks. That’s about all there is to say.

A problem or not?

Published 08/24/2014 by MoonieZ

Too many selfies.  

Too many cat/dog pics in your feed.

Don’t post photos of your food.

Don’t tell us what you listen to.

Don’t reblog/re-tweet too often.

Do this, don’t do that.

Don’t be negative, don’t tell it like it is cause no one wants to hear it. Sugar coat it. 

Keep your feelings/thoughts  to yourself unless you are always happy and love the world around you.

No drama, ever.

Don’t tell the world you still live with your parents….if you’re above 18 years old.

What happened to live and let live? Allow everyone to be who they are or want to be, since I’m sure you’d like to have that right for yourself? Sometimes all this policing of how to be or not to be in the social media channels make me want to stop using any of them at all.

How about tolerance as a guide?

How about to simply unfollow the things you don’t like to see and/or read and let it be? Or block that account and be done.  Or in the very serious cases of suspected illegal, offensive stuff, report it, then block or unfollow.

Why keep posting about how others ought to change their ways of using social media in order to suit your taste?

I know, I’m doing the same thing now that I don’t like to see  others doing but I swear I won’t mention this topic again after this post (at least not for a while). Besides, nobody reads blogs anymore. Yesterday’s news.

Yes, I know I shouldn’t let any of this bother me, but I’m not perfect – I’m human.

Today I woke up in a slightly off mood.  Deal with it. Or not.  The choice is yours. Just don’t tell me I shouldn’t post it on my blog  because you think it’s not to your liking.

Sunday morning

Published 08/17/2014 by MoonieZ


Woke up early but still it was almost too late.  However, the first activity this morning – after getting up and going to the computer to say hi to a new friend – was to engage in a relaxed but intense masturbation session.  It had been a while since I had a really good one so I made the best of the morning wood. Also helped to take my mind off of the awful headlines about attacks, violence, disasters, murder and war  filling my favorite news media sites. Decided to deal with them later.

The resulting orgasm was rather satisfying, even though I rarely take the time to analyze or rate the experience. I’m a guy, I don’t think much about the concept while I’m at it (or at all), I simply expect a certain amount of manual labor and manipulation of a certain part of my body to result in a climactic release of fluid. I leave the deep philosophic aspects of  the subject to humans of the female persuasion.

Then I had a cookie for breakfast.

Soon enough I was working my way through the timelines of my social media services: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr while also keeping an eye at a cam chat site.  In the back of my mind a thought was lurking. a thought about writing this text you are now reading.  I used to write these more often but this year they have been mostly absent from my blog. The need to write has not been that great but maybe it has started to grow again.

Meanwhile the neighborhood was so quiet I imagined being the last living person on Earth. Then I thought, that idea has been done too many times, don’t go there. So I didn’t. Instead I thought about turning some music on, really loud, but decided against that idea. No reason to provoke the neighbors, never know how long they will want to pay the taxes that help pay for the small economic benefits I depend on for  my survival.

I ended up writing this text. That’s where my Sunday is at, at this very moment.  Now. if I could only find a way to finish this, so it can be posted while the Sunday is still around, I’d be happy.

That said, I think dinner time is approaching, so I’ll have to stop.

Confusion is the new clarity

Published 04/27/2014 by MoonieZ

I had a really bad night for some reason. Couldn’t sleep. Pains  here and there. Feeling mostly like crying or having a panic attack. Then at some point, I must have fallen asleep because in the morning I didn’t want to wake up or even get out of bed.

The rest of my day has been a lot better though. It seems I had to have that strange night to clear some things out of my system. Clear is not exactly right. For the time being it seems to have moved away to some dark corner of my brain.

Anyway, Spring is here. This weekend has been great in terms of weather. Only regret is that time moves too quickly when I’m off. Little time to do what I need to do. On the other hand I mostly want to sleep when I’m off (as in not having to go to the office place to waste my time at pointless stuff), so I usually wake up late.

Got some things done and still have a lot more to do.

Job search goes on without results. I always think about ways to improve it but nothing I try has helped so far. The problem is time. When I have such a long time of unemployment, finding ways to bridge the gap in the C V  is not easy. I’m thinking of a career in politics. Seems there isn’t too much skill required and if I manage to climb the ladder a bit the pay seems to be rather good.

A problem is I could probably never stick to the party line. I am not a member of any party because I object to some of  – or all of  – the ideas of every party in Sweden. The ones close to my view still have at least 20% opinions I don’t agree with.  But I guess there is always room for compromise.

Not sure my nerves could handle the pressures of being in the public eye though. I have never liked to be the center of attention. May sound like a contradiction considering my activity in social media but really, I don’t like attention to my person. My words, my writing is another matter. If I could be a politician in writing only, then maybe I’d go for it.

While I’m in fantasy land I might as well tell a story. Only problem is I have forgotten what it was.

So, I’m off.

Happy Sunday!


Published 04/14/2013 by MoonieZ


Write something serious. Intelligent. Something that will make you look less of a moron and more of a clever person.

I can’t.

Why not? I can start but I can’t finish it. After a lot of mindless texts about nothing that means anything, it would be good to show some class. Perhaps. Maybe I’m asking too much of me. Could be.

This morning I had two sandwiches with goat cheese and ham for breakfast. Delicious. Later on, I finished watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey . Now, I’m thinking about masturbating, as I have been looking at some pictures on my Tumblr dashboard. That’s how refined I am on a Sunday afternoon in April. Not much to write about if you ask me, and who else would you ask. I’m the only one here.

Sure, it’s a lovely day outside. Sunny, and about +10 degrees Celsius. Really ought to be outside doing something practical. Ought to. Not really up for it, though.

Soon it will be time to cook some dinner anyway. Then there’s television to be watched, hair to be washed and a shower to be taken.

At the end of the day there’s sleep to be had and some dreams too, I hope.



My weekend report

Published 02/11/2013 by MoonieZ

My weekend started on Friday. I don’t remember much of it except the chatroom  I was in and the snow I had to shovel. The first was fun and the second was a boring chore that brought me an aching back and a lot of fresh air.  Oh, and I also travelled to the city and bought some clothes.


I slept kind of late on Saturday morning. Probably didn’t get up before 10 am. Read the morning paper, had breakfast. Then went out to shovel more snow. Also had some other chores but didn’t have the energy to really get much of it done.  Instead I had too much to eat and watched a lot of episodes of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. During this, I also tweeted and checked  my Tumblr dashboard. Went out to shovel more snow later too if I’m not mistaken. Did I also stop by a chatroom on Saturday night? I can’t remember so I hope I’m not offending anyone. I was really sleepy once  I managed to get to bed.

Woke up late on Sunday morning. Had a nice dream probably but don’t remember much of it. Again, I had breakfast read the morning paper and then went out to shovel some snow. Starting to sound like a boring weekend by now.  I guess it was kind of ordinary.

Spent the afternoon watching the rest of the episodes of season one of Sons of Anarchy. Later, around dinner time, my oldest brother visited for a while.

In the evening, I had a long shower and washed my hair. Afterwards, I felt very refreshed. Continued to watch Netflix while also reading Twitter, tweeting and looking at Tumblr.

Went to sleep rather late and woke up around 5 am because I had to go pee. Then fell asleep again and woke up too late. Since the weather wasn’t too good, I decided to “work” at home and sent a message to the office about this before going out to shovel some snow and then going out to do some grocery shopping, pay some bills and other stuff.

The end.

It’s true

Published 02/03/2013 by MoonieZ


I don’t update very often when I’m feeling good about life and my being. That’s why there hasn’t been many updates lately. In fact. I’m still feeling good, so this will only be a short little text.

The cough is still bothering me a little but getting better every day. I think it will soon be gone.

The weather keeps going from mild to freezing to mild to freezing again. I’m no longer made for winter.  I only wish it would end. More snow coming next week though, so no end in sight.

At the office keep myself busy with my projects and with job searching. I’m also learning a little about CSS and web page coding just to keep myself busy.

At home I watch movies, read, listen to music and keep in touch with friends through the social media channels and such. Nothing much else going on.