
All posts tagged Film

Harry Potter – the movies

Published 01/06/2012 by MoonieZ

Yes, I’ve watched all of them recently. At first I tried to read the books but I just couldn’t be patient enough to read them in digital format. So, I decided to cheat and watch the movies instead.

My impression of them is that they are all well made  and entertaining. Perhaps a bit slow here and there and some parts are repeated a bit too many times. The actors are all great and it’s been fun to see so many famous British actors perform throughout these movies.

The story is original in some aspects but far from it in many others. It is obvious how the author has collected and incorporated parts and pieces in terms of creatures, character traits, themes, plot elements and such  from lots of myths, fairy tales and other works such as novels and movies. I trace pieces of C S Lewis Narnia books, Tolkien‘s Lord of The Rings trilogy and George Lucas Star Wars-movies to just name a few of the more obvious sources of inspiration.

The story started out fairly light and humourous and became darker towards the end. I enjoyed the first movies the most and had a lot of trouble keeping my interest during the last two or three movies.

Also it became clear early on where the whole story would lead and at times I wished there had been a few more twists to make it less obvious.

Still, I’m glad to have seen them all and finally have some idea of what they’re all about. I enjoyed watching all the movies and maybe I will watch them again some day. Or try to make my way through reading all the books.

Movies watched

Published 08/17/2011 by MoonieZ

While She Was Out

A short and very unoriginal story. Revolves around a housewife and her struggle to escape a gang of young thugs chasing her.
The movie reminded me of a lot of other – better – movies and left me with a feeling of was this all?

The Lost

Confused young man turns into serial killer.
The acting in this movie was pretty good but it still lacked something. I had a very uneasy feeling throughout and was very disgusted by the gory killing taking place.

Beyond The Border

A Swedish action movie set during WW 2 at the border between Nazi-occupied Norway and neutral Sweden.
Soldiers from a Swedish outpost venture into Norway and get into trouble with German border patrols.
Not totally realistic but nevertheless an entertaining adventure with decent acting and effects.


British action flick set during the Roman occupation of Britain.
A group of Roman soldiers are caught behind enemy lines and forced to fight their way back.
Actually better than I expected while still looking like it got made using sets and props left behind by some bigger production.

Second week

Published 11/21/2010 by MoonieZ

Second week as a trainee. I’m dead and beat. My body can’t handle this work anymore. I’m too old and too worn out from 20 years of doing the same chores. I never thought I would not like this work. Now I wake up every morning and want to stay in bed, asleep. Instead I get up and go to work. Don’t see the point but still do it. Day after day. Counting the hours and the days until I will be done. Praying I won’t have to stay any longer than already agreed. Feel guilty for thinking this way even though trying to deny that the work is too hard would be dishonest. Anyway I take it day by day and try to tell myself I’ll be fine someday soon. At least I have a few friends to talk to who help me to keep going. Even though some of them have some problems to deal with of their own. I am glad to be able to help or at least to listen to them because it helps me to forget about my own worries for a while. But there are not only problems to talk about. We also talk about other matters and have a lot of fun. Without them I wouldn’t last long.

The weather has been a mix of cold clear sunny or wet rainy and snowy. I’m told the real winter will be coming by the end of next week. It will be interesting to see how long it will last.

Have also watched a few movies on Voddler lately. Among them Iron Man 2, Zulu, Cromwell and G.I. Jane. Some I’ve watched before, some for the first time. I liked Iron Man 2 the most but it isn’t as good as the first Iron Man movie though.

Been listening to and watching the Bruce Springsteen The Promise: The Darkness on the Edge of Town Story box set. Liked the complete concert from 1978 the most.

“Lonely Teardrops”

Published 11/01/2010 by MoonieZ

Michael McDonald L0nely Teardrops

Been looking for a video of this song ever since I first heard it on the soundtrack of Mike Figgis great little movie Leaving Las Vegas. If you still haven’t watched this awesome movie I strongly urge you to check it out. Today ! It’s one of my all time favorite movies and it blew my mind the first time I saw it. Great actors, great director (Mike Figgis) and a simply wonderful soundtrack. Of course the story is dark and tragic for the most part but there is some romance mixed in and the blend is just about perfect.

Today the song Lonely Teardrops could serve as my soundtrack, at least earlier, but I’m over it now. Or at least getting over it. Soon I’ll be all OK. I promise.


Published 05/14/2010 by MoonieZ

Ok. I’ve just seen it. James Cameron‘s latest movieAvatar.  The verdict: impressive visuals and less than impressive story. In fact the story is only average at best. The images are sometimes stunning and the effects are great, as is the action. But the story is too much of borrowed bits and pieces from a lot of other movies, books and legends. There are almost no surprises and not many twists that can’t be seen coming from a mile away. So the movie is a fun ride but when it ends there’s nothing to motivate going back to watch it again. I’m sorry to say this is the weakest movie from Cameron yet. Far away from the masterpieces of his past and too much of a technological showcase to satisfy me as a movie fan. I doubt watching it in 3-D will change my opinion.


Published 03/31/2010 by MoonieZ

I love this scene. Love this song, this music. Charles Chaplin‘s Modern Times is a timeless classic movie. This story inspires me to keep seeing the good in every person, the good in humanity and keep my hopes and my dreams alive. Never say die! I will always return to this movie for inspiration and renewed energy.

Another hot day in a hot room

Published 07/01/2009 by MoonieZ

Yes. Today has been a hot day. In many ways. In fact I have not had a hot day like this in many years. Not since 1984. I remember going to the opening of the second Indiana Jones movie was a hot event. Man, my whole life was focused on Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom that summer. This is the 1st of July and soon summer will have passed. It starts so slowly and goes away so fast. Every year. Almost. But, back to the present and why this was a hot day. Or, maybe better if I don’t share that experience. It is so easy to get the wrong impression. Which means I’m going to end this post with a cliffhanger. Will I reveal the identity of the room in which my day was spent ? Will I manage to keep the reason why it was a hot day a secret ? The answers to these and all other questions will be revealed in the next episode of : Another hot day in a hot room… Stay tuned.

Finnish movies

Published 04/23/2009 by MoonieZ

Hi people !

I have been spending some of my time watching Finnish movies. Before I go on, I must admit my knowledge of Finnish cinema is limited. To be honest I have never really considered Finland as having much to contribute to the art of cinema. Only one or two directors make any kind of mark in my book: Jörn Donner and Aki Kaurismäki. Of course Finland have also got the Hollywood export Renny Harlin but I do not consider his movies to have had much of an impact other than box-office wise. Donner, I believe, have caused some controversy over the years with some of his movies and Kaurismäki with his original film style is of course a very important director in the art of cinema.

The movies I have watched are not directed by any of these directors. Instead they are pretty much conventional movies made in a traditional straight forward style and telling stories about ordinary Finnish people and their life. One of the movies – Lupaus [Promise] –  tells a historic wartime story, but that one is the exception in this bunch.

Of the other three movies I’ve watched, the one that really grabbed me was Valkoinen Kaupunki [Frozen City], which tells the story of a taxi driver who is in the middle of a divorce and struggles to take care of himself and his children while having trouble at work, with his neighbor and with his ex-wife. Even though the movie references Scorsese’s famous Taxi Driver, it is not at all the same kind of  vigilante story. In fact I found Valkoinen Kaupunki to be very touching and at the same time realistic. I recommend it.

Of the remaining two films –  Umur and Miehen Työ [Man’s Job] – the first one didn’t make much of an impression on me, but the second one made me laugh even though it tells a rather sad story. It is a movie about a guy who lost his job but is afraid to tell his wife and instead starts to make money as a male prostitute and having his friend act as a pimp. In some ways it might remind the average film buff of the British  movie The Full Monty, but that film was more of a comedy.

I watched a movie

Published 04/13/2009 by MoonieZ

Almost Famous by Cameron Crowe. I can’t say I really liked it. It was too short and got to the “happy” end too fast after a long build-up that was good but in the end turned out to promise more than the story could deliver.

The movie seems to be based on the director’s own experiences as a young rock journalist in the 1970’s. I have no idea if that is the case or  not ,and it doesn’t add anything to the viewing of the movie either way.

The basic conflict of the story is how to avoid being seduced by the artists and bands you are supposed to cover as a journalist while traveling with them and getting to know them. There is also a sort of love story and some family issues added to spice the movie up so that the film is not all about riding a tour bus and hanging out in hotel rooms. There is not a lot of music in the movie, and even less writing and these are some of the problems, but the major problem is that the movie doesn’t have a point.

I can’t understand how it became a  hit and got good reviews. Ok, the acting is good and the set decorators have made a great effort to make the 1970’s look alive and real but that’s all. Maybe one needs to be more of a fan of rock music and/or of rock journalism to really care about this film.

Anyway I like a lot of rock music, I like to read good writing about rock music too, and my brother has told me some stories from his tours ar0und Sweden in the 1970’s but I still don’t  think Almost Famous is more than almost great.

A good movie

Published 03/05/2009 by MoonieZ

Lad de små børn… (Int. title: Aftermath) (2004), directed by Danish actress Paprika Steen is a very good movie about a couple who have lost their only daughter in an accident and tells the story of  how they struggle to come to terms with their loss. It features some of the best actors and actresses in Denmark. Check it out.
