
All posts tagged snow

Snowy November

Published 11/09/2019 by MoonieZ


Not much going on. The job training program I started at last month is a lot like starting over with the same thing I did two years ago. Not really motivated to do it. Only one way to go: forward. Hope it will lead to the answers I’m looking for.

The first snow has arrived. Makes the world a bit less dark but it still is hard to get used to the dark time of the year. Sun sets in the afternoon. At least it won’t last forever. Already looking forward to Spring.

Still not decided if this will be going on much longer or not. When I look back I still think I want to keep this blog just because of all the things I already posted. Other times I think of saving the content and then deleting the blog.

Snow of December

Published 12/17/2014 by MoonieZ

Hey there people….

So this is December and what have I learned? Another year over and a new one waiting  in the wings ready to begin.

Lots of changes this year. Well, perhaps only a few but still changes.

Changed place of “work” twice. Not for the better but still I hang on because there is nothing else I can do.  I’m learning some Photoshop for the time being. Not the most fun I’ve ever had, I’d rather be working on my own projects or at least be writing like I did at the beginning of this year.

Been unemployed now for six whole years since my last employment. Counting all the time of unemployment I’m at a total of seven and a half years and still running. No change in sight but I still keep my hope against hope, I will get lucky one of these days.

I can hear some people say, Hey dude you’re doing something wrong! It can’t be that hard to find a paying job, not even for a loser like you! 

You might be right. Then again, I can’t tell because all I know is that I have been trying for all these years and the results are what they are, regardless of how I or you feel about it or what we might think is the reason behind it all. Looking back is useless. I’m going to go on. I can point my finger at myself and say I’m to blame but does it really help in the long run? I’m still stuck where I am and I’m the one who has to get me unstuck. Do I do that by constantly blaming myself for not getting unstuck fast enough or by actually using my energy to continue to try getting unstuck? You be the judge, I know what I think.

Enough is enough.

I still live like a loner. No change there. Nobody fell in love with me this year too. I didn’t fall in love with anyone. Not that there has been a great number of possible lovers around. I have to get out of my comfort zone for anything to change in that department. I’ve known that a long time but I still do nothing about it. Maybe I’ve given up. Or perhaps I just think it takes too much time and energy away from this job hunting thing.

Anyway I’ve had plenty of dates with Miss Righty, she’s always available for a bit of fun. Luckily she has never refused my invitation after all these years.

Pathetic. Still the truth. Laugh it up. It’s on me.

Sons of Anarchy ended the only way it could. Inspired by Shakespeare tragedy as it was. A very entertaining piece of television drama. Even if all of the seven seasons weren’t really all great the final ride was one hell of a ride from start to finish.

The fifth season of The Walking Dead has been a bit of hit and miss even of it is still better than most of season four so far. Will return with a final verdict once the whole season is finished.

Game of Thrones still keeps me wanting more even if I have trouble with the author’s habit of killing off all the interesting characters every now and then, with a few exceptions of course.

Out of all the cooking shows starring the great Gordon Ramsay, I still like MasterChef USA the most. Even though Hell’s Kitchen is a strong contender for the number one spot.

I have made an effort to start watching other shows during the year but not really been hooked by any as much the ones I mention above.

Many movies have passed by my eyes also. Thanks to Netflix and HBO Nordic.  Too many to mention any titles.

Then, last but not least,  the music. Spotify keeps me listening to all my favorites old and new. I still have my one big playlist that I keep editing as the tracks come and go. I add and subtract and still it stays like a portrait of my soul. The soundtrack of my life.

Oh yeah, it snowed today.

Hello December!

Published 12/01/2013 by MoonieZ

Last month of the year. Not much remains of 2013. What is there to say about this year of my life? Not a lot. Unless something happens during these last days. Been a year very much like the previous year. A lot of struggle and very little to show for it. Perhaps a new strategy is what I need for the new year. A new approach to the same old troubles. Just might help.

No snow on the ground yet in this part of the country. I hope it stays that way into the new year. Last winter almost killed me from all the snow I had to shovel. Not to mention the snow and cold killed a lot of the plants and trees in the garden, or at least damaged them.

I wish for a mild winter. Maybe some light snow at Christmas but only for a few days. Enough to have a white Christmas.

Edie Brickell & The New BohemiansAir of December (from the album Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars, 1988)


Published 03/20/2013 by MoonieZ

Sorry for the silence. I’ve been busy.

Last night I spent a few hours in a chatroom and enjoyed some nice conversation. Sometimes I’m amazed how things happen to turn out better than expected without any plan, just by random.

Most of my Tuesday I spent helping my mother when she celebrated her birthday. Many family members, relatives and friends gathered. All in all it was a very nice day and evening.

Only downside was the weather. Winter has returned and it’s been snowing a lot last few days. However, whenever the sun breaks through the clouds the snow melts and it feels warmer outside. Spring is delayed but on the way.

Yesterday I had a meeting at the office about new projects. Some ideas might turn into something good. At least worth a try.


My weekend report

Published 02/11/2013 by MoonieZ

My weekend started on Friday. I don’t remember much of it except the chatroom  I was in and the snow I had to shovel. The first was fun and the second was a boring chore that brought me an aching back and a lot of fresh air.  Oh, and I also travelled to the city and bought some clothes.


I slept kind of late on Saturday morning. Probably didn’t get up before 10 am. Read the morning paper, had breakfast. Then went out to shovel more snow. Also had some other chores but didn’t have the energy to really get much of it done.  Instead I had too much to eat and watched a lot of episodes of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. During this, I also tweeted and checked  my Tumblr dashboard. Went out to shovel more snow later too if I’m not mistaken. Did I also stop by a chatroom on Saturday night? I can’t remember so I hope I’m not offending anyone. I was really sleepy once  I managed to get to bed.

Woke up late on Sunday morning. Had a nice dream probably but don’t remember much of it. Again, I had breakfast read the morning paper and then went out to shovel some snow. Starting to sound like a boring weekend by now.  I guess it was kind of ordinary.

Spent the afternoon watching the rest of the episodes of season one of Sons of Anarchy. Later, around dinner time, my oldest brother visited for a while.

In the evening, I had a long shower and washed my hair. Afterwards, I felt very refreshed. Continued to watch Netflix while also reading Twitter, tweeting and looking at Tumblr.

Went to sleep rather late and woke up around 5 am because I had to go pee. Then fell asleep again and woke up too late. Since the weather wasn’t too good, I decided to “work” at home and sent a message to the office about this before going out to shovel some snow and then going out to do some grocery shopping, pay some bills and other stuff.

The end.

It’s true

Published 02/03/2013 by MoonieZ


I don’t update very often when I’m feeling good about life and my being. That’s why there hasn’t been many updates lately. In fact. I’m still feeling good, so this will only be a short little text.

The cough is still bothering me a little but getting better every day. I think it will soon be gone.

The weather keeps going from mild to freezing to mild to freezing again. I’m no longer made for winter.  I only wish it would end. More snow coming next week though, so no end in sight.

At the office keep myself busy with my projects and with job searching. I’m also learning a little about CSS and web page coding just to keep myself busy.

At home I watch movies, read, listen to music and keep in touch with friends through the social media channels and such. Nothing much else going on.



Thursday tales from the mind of SwedishMoon

Published 01/17/2013 by MoonieZ

Couldn’t resist. Not after coming up with a headline like the one above.

Only one problem – I’ve got nothing to tell.  So, this being my outlet of anything and everything, I will make something up as I go along. If any of my clever readers spot the movie and the character those words are taken from, you’ll receive a gold star and a special place in my hall of fortune and glory. Ok, enough of that. At least it takes up some space on the page.

Weather in this part of the world is cold today. Very cold. Almost freezing. And that’s all I have to say about that.

My day? Nothing much. Same old routine. Some interesting discussions about current affairs. Some writing. Some plans for the unknown future ahead. The usual.

Soup for dinner.  Some TV. Snow to shovel.

Reading things on the internet. Listening to music.

So Tuesday it is again

Published 01/15/2013 by MoonieZ

A moment ago I thought about uploading some pictures of  my snowy adventures today, but then I thought: everyone already knows what snow looks like, right? So, why bother.

The above means there’ll be no pictures of me and/or snow. For now.  There might be some picture of me coming along if the moment is right someday later on. Maybe.

Anyway today is a snowy day, and when I say snowy, I mean s-n-o-w-y. Started late last night, continued all day and hasn’t stopped yet.

I’ve been out to shovel away snow twice today and the driveway still looks like nobody touched it. Snowy.

Of course the good thing is that I got plenty of fresh air and some much-needed exercise. So all is well that ends well. Except for the träningsvärk (“training ache”) in my shoulders and back. But no pain no gain, or no gain no pain in my case.

What else did I do today? I sent some job applications in. Looked at other job related stuff online and worked on some other projects related to finding a job.  I think I have been rather productive.



This is Friday

Published 01/11/2013 by MoonieZ

A weekend without any parties. Will be good. I need to relax a bit. Last weekend was a lot of fun but it left me exhausted.

This week it was good to be back to the old routine again.  I’m also glad to have made some progress in writing and other efforts at the office. The whole week has been good so far.

I think it has something to do with seeing a friend online for a few nice chats. For some reason that always makes me feel better about everything.

Also, the weather has been nice for most of the week but yesterday and today the snowing started again. Not much to do about it. Winter still means snow in this part of the world.

Of course I could mention I have applied for a lot of jobs already this year but I don’t think the amount really matters much unless there’s a result. However, it looks good on my report to the (un)employment  agency.  During the week I have also started to work on some other applications for jobs that I hope will result in employment. Eventually.

Trying  to focus on the good things is not always easy. I have already stumbled on that road and managed to get sidetracked towards the bad things, but I keep on going. Sooner or later I will get it right.




Published 01/09/2013 by MoonieZ

Just another day. Ended a lot better than it started. Well, it started ok, so I’m not saying it was bad at all. Just a lot of snow to shovel away.  Then I did some other work and even later I had some dinner. Watched MasterChef on TV and then went out to shovel some snow again. Got back inside in time to have a nice chat with a friend.

So, all in all, my Tuesday has been good. Now there is only a few minutes left of it so there’s not much more to tell. Not if I want to publish this while it’s still Tuesday. Looks like I won’t make it.

I would if I had stopped typing in time but I didn’t. Only now. Anyway I’m too distracted to finish this right now.