
All posts for the day January 25th, 2011

Sleepless Swede

Published 01/25/2011 by MoonieZ

How Swede it is… Well not exactly. Been sleeping for less than 20 hours since Thursday, which makes it an average of 5 hours a night. Last night I slept even less. Maybe 3 hours. I’m starting to feel like the police detective suffering from insomnia that Stellan Skarsgard portrayed in the Norwegian movie Insomnia (1997). Strangely enough I don’t feel as tired tonight as I did last night. At least not yet.

Have spent most of the day fixing things, making appointments and some writing. Started my day by shovelling snow again. Brushing snow off of the car aswell.  Been mostly indoors after that. Thought I would fall asleep at one point but didn’t.

Had chicken drumsticks for dinner along with some rice and bread. Not too bad.

So I will see how much longer I will manage  to keep myself awake. Maybe I’ll go to sleep now and get up at 5 am instead. Might be better for me.

After all of that diary stuff I need to find something more interesting to write. It has been too long since I really got my writing going the way it should. Guess it’s true I can’t write very well when I’m feeling good or even happy. Seems I have to be feeling depressed, sad and miserable in order to produce something really good. Or perhaps I only imagine that the whining and crying I manage to fill my posts with at those times is good and actually interesting for anybody to read? Probably.

Could kill somebody for a burger and fries right now though, but being the peaceful and mild-mannered forest creature I am, I will only dream of a burger fresh off  the grill.