All posts tagged 2011

Last day of November

Published 11/30/2011 by MoonieZ

I had a lot of visits to my blog yesterday. Not sure what brought you here but I thank you all for stopping by. Hope there were something worth reading on here. I do my very best to update but sometimes I just don’t have enough energy or time to do it. When I do get around to it I often don’t know what to write when I start but while I write I always seem to come up with something.

Today is the last day of November 2011. One more month then this year will be forever gone. Can’t say I’ll miss it much. I will of course remember a few nice moments but most of the year I’d rather forget asap.

My wish for next year is that it will be better. Somehow. I will try to make it better but I don’t know if my trying will be enough.

Anyway, goodbye November and hello December. I hope it will be a month to remember.


Thursday November 3, 2011

Published 11/03/2011 by MoonieZ

The  year is closing in on its end. What has 2011 been like? For me. Not much different than 2010 but not much to write about.

Most of the time has been spent searching for work and waiting for answers. The rest of the time I’ve spent online. With friends, or alone. Watched movies, read books and listened to music. Done a lot of thinking. Had a lot of fun but also been very sad and depressed at times. Had very little money but managed to survive. I know that the future looks much like more of the same but there’s also a chance that things can change for the better. I keep hoping it will.

The bad part of 2011 has been to lose my old friend. I don’t have any communication with her anymore and it has been hard to see that friendship fade away. I’ve tried to keep it alive but it takes two to tango. I have to respect her not wanting to keep in touch anymore.

The good part of 2011 has been the friends I still have. Especially one of you. Also to have finally finished my Bachelor’s degree ten years overdue feels very good.


Welcome 2011 !

Published 01/01/2011 by MoonieZ

Ok, time to start a new year of blog posts. This will be my seventh year as a blogger. Well almost, considering I started in June 2005 over at the other host blogger.com. After a few years I moved to WordPress and I have never had a reason to regret it. Things work very smoothly here and there are new features coming along all the time making blogging easier.  Now I am starting to depart from the topic of this post. I am going to present a resolution for the new year 2011. My goal this year for this blog will be to post every single day of the year. I don’t know if I will be able to reach my goal but I will give it a serious try. Posting every day means that the post will have to contain more than just a few words. There has to be some kind of meaning not just some random words. Every post will have to add to the value of the blog and provide something worth reading.

I also have some more personal resolutions that I might  or might not share with you dear readers. If I do, I will post them at a later date. Now I will return to the celebration of the new year.