Microwave oven

All posts tagged Microwave oven


Published 07/14/2012 by MoonieZ

I like food. Everyone who knows me and have seen my full figure knows I like food. It shows. It’s very obvious.

What kind of food? The kind I should not like. The kind I should not eat a lot of. That’s the kind I like the most. Don’t get me wrong. I like lettuce too, just not on a daily basis.

I do like cheese, bread, meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and spices and combinations of them all.

Food, in my opinion, should be easy to cook and easy to eat. Also it should taste great. Be delicious. If not, I’m not eating it. Unless I’m forced to for some reason or another.

I like to cook. As long as it isn’t a too complicated dish. And as long as the recipe is short and to the point. The best cooking I know involves opening of tin and operation of microwave oven. No, not really. Seriously, the best cooking I know is the cooking done by others: like my mother or even better by my brother the chef (sorry, mom).

Sometimes I wish I could cook as good as they do but I know my limitations. I do not have the passion or motivation to spend that much time to learn and practice cooking. I wish I had but that’s not how I roll.

Same thing about baking. My mother grew up in a bakery, she is the daughter of a baker who in turn was the son of a baker. That means that what she doesn’t know about baking is not worth knowing.  I have learned what little I know about baking from her, obviously. Not that I do a lot of baking. Not that I know why I don’t.

What I know about food I learned from my mother but mostly from my brother the chef. Also I am and always have been curious about food from different parts of the world and wanted to sample various cuisines and dishes or food items that happen to come my way.  If any of my friends mention some food or recipe or anything food related that they like, I make a note of it and often try it out (if possible) to see if I like it too.

I read about food, I read recipes and I read about restaurants. Often look up restaurants online to look at the menu and find out what dishes I would like to try.  I also like photographs of cooking, dishes and food items.

When I go grocery shopping I almost always look for new items to try or at least I make a list in my mind of things I’d like to try later.

Having worked in grocery stores for many years, I have to admit to having a bit of an interest in how food is presented in stores and how the stores look and feel to the consumer. Also I am interested in how food is produced.  It all boils down to the passion for eating good food though. That’s where it all begins. For me, at least.

Words on a screen

Published 01/14/2011 by MoonieZ

Witty?  Nah!

It will have to do. There’s no time for anything fancy at this point. I’ve only got 50 minutes in which to write this post so I’m making it up as I go along. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Just have to go with the flow and not against it. Easier said than done, I know. Who said anything about life being easy anyway? Thought so.

While I’m on the subject of easy, I would just like to make one thing very clear. I am NOT easy. Ok? Yeah, right…Sure…Whatever. Excuse me it’s just the figment of my imagination acting stupid again. Speak for yourself… That’s what I’m doing. Yeah, yeah… Now I’d appreciate if you’d shut up so that I can continue. Be my guest… Well, I think it’s the other way around but never mind. I’m not in a mood for arguments tonight.

Last night I had a lot of fun over at MFC. There was a good time in one of the rooms. Such a good time that frequent site crashes could not stop it. Must have been the most fun I’ve had in a long while. Or a short. Don’t know. I have fun most of the time lately.

This morning I woke up after less than five hours of sleep but I got dressed, had breakfast, brushed teeth, washed hands and face before going out in the cold outdoors to get the car ready for takeoff. Scraped some frost off of the windows before starting and rolling out of the driveway.

Had a meeting at the (Un)Employment agency. Lasted almost two hours. Then went for some groceries before going back home to write applications for jobs and check up on the latest tweets, emails, MFC, blogs and news.

Early evening I had some dinner. Leftover spaghetti Bolognese. Not too bad and very easy to cook. Simply put on a plate  and stick it in the microwave oven for a few minutes.

After dinner I returned to my twitter homepage and tweeted the night away… Not really. Just a few. Ok, more than a few but not a lot. Too many? Perhaps. But I like to tweet. It makes me have to write short sentences. Use few words. Cram a lot of meaning into each word. That’s a challenge.  If I could I would write pages of words in each tweet. So it’s good for the world that I can’t do it. Instead I do it here. My blog is my castle. My own little kingdom. I rule with a firm hand. Even the figment fears my power. I do not…! Whatever.

This is a Friday for a little more than 30 minutes still. Then it becomes Saturday. Weird, isn’t it ? So before Saturday I will publish this post and be at the mercy of my readers to judge what it is worth.  I think those will be my last words for today.